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Forge To Table 2018-2021

At Forge To Table, I did product photography, silos and beauty images for all products launched between 2019-2021. You can see my product silos, more beauty imagery and quality Japanese-style knives on Forge To Table's website 

California Faucets 2019-Current 

Califonia Faucets

California Faucets manufactures custom decorative faucets allowing customers to customize any of their 2,500 products (that's over 3,000,000 possible product SKUs). It is impossible to photograph every possible combination. Below is an example of photoshopping existing images to create a set of custom handles for a kitchen faucet. 

CF Video

I spent time at California Faucets coming up with creative ways to use existing assets. Using photos, I was able to create simple animations with the products to create advertisements and product demonstrations.

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